Fred Docs Help

System Settings

Fred system settings control how your site reacts. Since Fred is loaded on the frontend, you can change how these works per-context, user, or group.

Blueprint Sort (fred.blueprint_sort)

By default blueprints are sorted by name, but you can switch it to use the rank if you want them to be sorted in a specific order.

Blueprint’s Category Sort (fred.blueprint_category_sort)

By default blueprint categories are sorted by name, but you can switch it to use the rank if you want them to be sorted in a specific order.

Fred Enabled (fred.default_enabled)

By default Fred is loaded in an active state whenever someone opens a page. Changing this setting to No will start Fred as disabled until it is turned on in the user's session.

Element’s Group Sort (fred.element_sort)

By default Element are sorted by name, but you can switch it to use the rank if you want them to be sorted in a specific order.

Element’s Group Sort (fred.element_group_sort)

By default Element categories are sorted by name, but you can switch it to use the rank if you want them to be sorted in a specific order.

Icon Editor (fred.icon_editor)

Fred can use plugins that tap into different Element types. The Icon Editor targets <i> Elements that also have a data-fred-name attribute.

Image Editor (fred.image_editor)

Fred can use plugins that tap into different Element types. The Image Editor targets <img> Elements that also have a data-fred-name attribute.

Position of Launcher (fred.launcher_position)

The Fred launcher can be positioned in any corner of the site to prevent hiding an Element on your design. Options include: bottom_left, bottom, bottom_right, top_left, top, and top_right.

Rich Text Editor (fred.rte)

Fred can use plugins that tap into different Element types. The Image Editor targets any wrapper Elements that also have a data-fred-name attribute and are set to data-fred-editable="true" data-fred-rte="true".

Secret (fred.secret)

This is an automatically generated key used for signing XHR requests.

Open sidebar by default

Force Sidebar (fred.force_sidebar)

When enabled, user won't be able to close the sidebar.

Last modified: 17 June 2024