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HTML Markup in Fred Elements

Fred Elements are made of HTML with specific attributes. The markup can be enhanced using Twig and Element Settings.

Custom Tags

Template Theme Directory

To make themes more portable {{template.theme_dir}} can be used in an element as a dynamic placeholder reference to the template's theme directory (e.g. '/assets/theme/default/'.)

Resource Fields

Resource fields can be accessed in the element markup object. For example, to access the pagetitle of the current resource, you would use {{ pagetitle }}.

TV Fields

Template Variables can be accessed in the element markup object with the prefix tv_. For example, to access a TV named myTV, you would use {{ tv_myTV }}.

Markup Examples

<!-- Simple Element --> <div class="panel"> <p data-fred-name="header_text">Default Value</p> <img src="" data-fred-name="header_image"> </div> <!-- Enhanced Element --> <div class="panel {{ panel_class }}"> <p data-fred-name="panel_text">Default Value</p> {% if cta_link %} <a class="btn {{ cta_class }}" href="{{ cta_link }}">{{ cta_text }}</a> {% endif %} </div>
Last modified: 11 September 2024