Fred Docs Help

Setting up a Theme to work with Gitify

Start by clicking the green New button when signed into Github. Give your new repository a name and description. This will be the source “origin” for collaborators. You should not initialize the repository with a README file because one will be added by the Theme later.

Note the URL for this project, by clicking the down-arrow on the green Clone or download button and choose the SSH URL, like

Connect to your Theme MODX project

SSH into your Cloud, and switch to the www/ webroot directory. Then initialize git with the following command, using the SSH URL from above:

git init git remote add origin

Git Ignore

Create a .gitingnore file to exclude MODX and other files that are not needed with the following content. Make sure to change !/assets/themes/{{your-theme-name}} to its actual name like !/assets/themes/lightcoral:

# MODX & Gitify # ################# /_backup /config.core.php /connectors /core /ht.access /index.php /manager /assets/* !/assets/themes/{{your-theme-name}} # IDE files (optional or add more # ################################### .idea .vscode .settings nbproject .project # OS generated files (optional) # ################################# .DS_Store .DS_Store? ._* .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ehthumbs.db Thumbs.db node_modules npm-debug.log .sass-cache

The Gitify YAML configruation

Create a yaml file named .gitify file in the webroot directory with following content:

data_directory: _data/ backup_directory: _backup/ data: fred_themes: class: FredTheme primary: id exclude_keys: ['config'] package: fred fred_element_categories: class: FredElementCategory primary: id fred_element_option_sets: class: FredElementOptionSet primary: id extension: .json fred_element_rte_configs: class: FredElementRTEConfig primary: id extension: .json fred_elements: class: FredElement primary: id extension: .html fred_blueprint_categories: class: FredBlueprintCategory primary: id fred_blueprints: class: FredBlueprint primary: id extension: .json

This will instruct Gitify to include all Elements and categories, their Option Sets, public Blueprints and categories, RTE configs, and the Themes. Media sources are not currently supported for Theme exports and are therefore omitted.

Intial Commit

Now it’s time to push the code to the source repo. Once you’ve reached a point where you are ready to share and collaborate on a theme, execute the following:

cd ~/www gitify extract git add --all # or git add on files you want to commit git commit -m "Initalize My Awesome Theme" # please write your own message git push origin master

Now you are ready to start working with others.

Last modified: 17 June 2024